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~Penned history of a dark rogue~

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~Penned history of a dark rogue~ Empty ~Penned history of a dark rogue~

Post  Cadderly Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:52 am

During a warm summer night in Hyul 48, a young boy was born into a small, Tok-do house. He had been named Entreri by his widowed mother. His mother Danana had done all she could for him, but they were nonetheless very poor.
At the age of 10, his mother had died. Soldiers had arrived at the Buyan house to inform and vacate the young boy. They explained that his mother had been found in a fox cave and that the generial investigation led to the belief that she had been picking flowers. Danana had wondered into a cave and was attacked. She had managed to fend off the first of the foxes, but quickly got lost. Danana had grown tired and managed to find a spot to rest, but she was taken by surprise by a golden fox with many fails. Its eyes--the color of blood.
They spared Entreri the details. Though he hadn't shed a tear, the depression and sadness showed in the boy's face. They directed him to the Yunsil Tavern, and told him that later he should visit Jadespear.
Entreri lifted himself from his bed. He walked laggardly toward the exit. One of the soldier's put a hand up to stop him.
"Hay kid. take this, It'l pay for a few night's at da Inn fer' ya." The man grabbed some coin's from his sack and handed them to Entreri.
He didn't say a word, didn't blink, unmoving. Just held the coin's in his hands for a moment. Entreri once again walk slowly through the exit uncaringly.
His mother had been his only family. He never knew his father. He really didn't have anywere to go. Just let his feet and constant motion rule out everything. He wandered with his head down for days on end. Until finally he collapsed.

~ ~
He awoke in a daze, and was surprised that he didn't know were he was. The last thing he remembered was the grass on his feet. Then he heard a voice humming a tune. He got out of his bed and wandered into the living area.
"Oh your up," said the women. She had her hair tied back and the smell of some kind of soup was in the air.
"My name's Yachae, How are you feeling?" she continued.
Entreri shrugged and looked to the floor.
"I found you face down in the dirt, are you lost?" she asked, for she saw no answer forth comming. But, Entreri did speak up finally.
"I have no place to go, would that be lost?" He asked the woman in a whisper.
"Well you can go get me some more gator meat for this soup if you wanna eat," she said in a peepy voice, and when Entreri looked up at her she winked at him.
"Head out back, check the cupboard for something to wack them with". she said smiling.
He was unsure what to do so he did as she asked. After recieving a meal of gator soup, he decided to roam the area a bit. 'Watch where your going this time' Yachae had called after him. He killed a few squirrles for fun and visited a few shops. To make a quick buck he would gather silk from butterflies and sell them to the local tailor. He learned from listening to the people around him that the small towns name was Tangun.
Before long he knew most of the lands around him, and his skills began to grow. He learned useful traps and skills from a guildmaster--given that he could aquire the items they required to learn. He started to feel happy again, until one night.
Haunting images of his mother came to his dreams. He saw her fighting for her life with her spells, but even her mage given abilities couldn't hold them off.
He awoke in a cold sweat. His teeth bard and fists clenched. He sat for a moment in his bed, wondering if the dreams would ever stop. Then it came to him.
"I'll be strong enough" he said to the darkness. Entreri made a vow to himself that night. He didn't want to forget those images. He would never let himself be so weak. Though Entreri was very antisocial, he also decided that if his blade was needed he would wield it as he saw fit.
He got up from his bed in the middle of the night and gathered his gear. That night he departed Tangun in hope's of furthuring his skills.
The next morning when Yachae went to her front door. She found ten freshly cut Gator meat wrapped in a package. Perfect for Gator soup.
~~ ~~

Entreri had no idea where he should start in the bigger communities. He found a few hunting parties and grew stronger by the day. He saw rumour's of a special disguise posted to a board at the Rogue guildmasters hall in Buya, and decided to check it out.
He finally managed to locate a man named Dagger in Nagnag who knew something about it. After much persistance he responded by saying only the worthy should have such skills.
Assassins jumped form concealment and struck at Entreri. He was quick to dodge away from the attacks. After seeing that Entreri would not be killed so easily they simply vanished.
Dagger had some other tasks for him to do. After completeing all his errands, Entreri was now a member of Dagger's guild.
"What now" he said to himself and he wondered the lands once again. He had coversed with a few people and quickly realized that he didn't know enough about the lands around him.
After a while of contemplation, he decided to learn. Everyday Entreri would visit the librarly and read Tome after Tome, some even twice or thrice. He started with the oldest of books and contiunes on.
The Rogue was walking to the library again one day. As he walked threw the streets of Buya he heard talk of a Tutor class. Since he had been studying so hard he decided to check it out. After his first class he was hooked.
His fighting prowess was something that Entreri wanted to hone to prefection. hours of traning turned into hours of studying, which became a daily routen. He wanted knowledge and strength as his power.
Still today he drifts in the shadows of his art. Finding pleasures in whatever he desires. He usually tries to subdue the rage dormant inside him, from the loss and lonlyness. But when he kills. Ice forms in the eyes of an affectionless hunter


Posts : 27
Join date : 2012-08-24
Location : Canada

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