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Ranking system nears completion. 9-13-12

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Ranking system nears completion. 9-13-12 Empty Ranking system nears completion. 9-13-12

Post  Ushallfearme Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:01 pm

The clan ranking system is still under development, but is nearing completion.
There will be 5 sets of 10 ranks. That's right, 50 different ranks! There will be 5
different elements to follow, instead of just fire. Wind, water, fire, earth, and
metal. Members will choose which element they would like to follow.

We will establish Masters of each element, and they will be responsible for further
developments to their element, as well as the training of their followers in their
element. They may have quests to complete in order to ascend to the next level.

Keep watch, because this change is nearly at hand!


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Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 41
Location : Indiana

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