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Spot the spear.

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Spot the spear. Empty Spot the spear.

Post  Ushallfearme Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:17 am

Spot the spear:
Spot the spear is a luck event. It's purpose is to sharpen the senses.

The object is to spot the spear trap. Several traps will be put down, some are flash traps, and 1 will be a spear. You must find the spear trap to win. We will give you different odds for different prizes.

The prizes are Lucky coin, and lucky silver coin. We will at times have a third prize that's special.

Lucky coin odds: You will have to find the spear trap out of four traps. so one out of four chance, Twenty five percent.

Lucky silver coin odds: You will need to find the spear out of eight traps. one out of eight odds, 12.5% chance.

Special prize odds: You will need to find the spear out of twelve traps. One out of twelve odds, 7.5% chance.


Posts : 69
Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 41
Location : Indiana

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